We do not accept any type of bribery. It is prohibited to offer, promote or give any wrongful benefit to any employee, family member or associates in order to obtain or maintain any type of businesses or advantages. Likewise, it is prohibited to request or accept any type of wrongful benefits from any employee, family member or associates.

We implement some internal processes in order to prevent bribery such as a software that controls all the financial and accounting information and a strict annual control of this that helps us assure its effectiveness. We also provide clear and accurate information to all of our employees regarding our politics, controls and ethic measurements in order to prevent and detect on time any type of bribery as well as any type of wrongful behavior related to receiving or giving special gifts or treats. Likewise, we promote following a free speech environment, where we can speak to each other honestly. Finally, we are committed to not provide any illegal political contributions. 

We guarantee that all of the information about our activities, structure and processes is accurate and complete. We do not participate in any type of falsification for any of our operations. Plazoleta reassures its full commitment towards respecting human rights, our business integrity and ethics throughout all of our activities and processes. This ethics and conduct code represents our dedication to keep the highest legal and ethical standards, contributing actively to a fair, transparent and responsible work environment.  

This text is updated and explains all of the ethical and legal commitments required by Flor verde 3.0, ensuring that Plazoleta Bazzani S.A.S continues being a leader in corporate responsibility and compliance.